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7 Congreso de Directivos
Inscríbetey revive la experiencia del año en APD. En LA NUEVA EMPRESA GLOBAL analizamos, de la mano de +60 expertos, cuáles son las claves para competir en el mundo actual.
Aula Virtual APD Cantabria
12, 14, 19 y 21 de julio de 2021
Curso Online

Making the most of meetings!

Developing your talent for communication online
Ubicación Microsoft Teams
Fecha 12, 14, 19 y 21 de julio de 2021
Duración De 09:00 a 11:00h
Curso Online
Making the most of meetings! Developing your talent for communication online
00 días
00 horas
00 minutos

Sobre la formación

Zoom and Teams have become part of our professional lives. We have had a year to get up to speed and we now handle meetings on-line well. But what happens when we switch to English? Are we as confident? Do things go just as well?


– Facilitate the vocabulary and language skills required to participate actively and assertively in on-line meetings
– Analyse and understand what makes an effective on-line meeting
– Discover the keys to being a successful on-line meeting leader.
– Develop your skills by doing; not by listening.


– A pragmatic and participative results-oriented course
– The acquisition of relevant language and language skills
– Key further developments of your ability to communicate in English
– Opportunities to participate in AND lead on-line meetings
– A dynamic, effective and enjoyable way to up-grade your skills




09:00 h.
Inicio Sesión
11:00 h.
Fin de la Sesión


09:00 h.
Inicio Sesión
11:00 h.
Fin de la Sesión


09:00 h.
Inicio Sesión
11:00 h.
Fin de la Sesión


09:00 h.
Inicio Sesión
11:00 h.
Fin de la Sesión



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